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What You Need To Know About External Wall Insulation

You may have noticed that older houses are more expensive to heat in winter. You might also notice that some walls are cold or covered in condensation, even though the house is heated inside. This is because pre-1920s homes, including most terraced homes, have brick walls that are not good at keeping the heat in. External Wall Insulation can treat solid walls.


What is the process of external wall insulation? How can you determine if your home is suitable for insulation? How do you apply for a grant? Continue reading to find out.

What is exterior wall insulation?

External wall insulation can also be called “solid wall insulation” or EWI. It is used to insulate homes that don’t have cavity walls. These homes are typically older and include many traditional terraced houses. This article will help you determine the type of wall your house has.


The exterior wall insulation is attached to the walls of a house and covered with several layers of protective material. Finally, it is finished with a render or another decorative finish.

Do you require external wall insulation?

Cavity wall insulation can be installed more quickly and cost-effectively than external wall insulation.


EWI is not designed for properties with cavities walls or that are difficult to treat. The cavities are too small for insulation.


You won’t be eligible for external wall insulation if your cavity walls can be treated. Get in touch with one of our energy inspectors if you aren’t sure which type of insulation you require.

What is the secret to it?

EWI is similar to cavity wall insulation. It creates a barrier that prevents heat from escaping your walls. EWI is a rigid insulation material that uses expanded polystyrene slabs rather than loft or cavity insulation. The thousands of air pockets in expanded polystyrene make it an excellent insulator. It can also be easily cut into any shape you desire, so it fits neatly around door frames, windows and other architectural features.


These anchors hold the slabs and are then drilled into existing walls. Finally, a layer is applied of reinforcing mortar to cover it. The insulation system is then covered with a glass fibre mesh that, when dry, gives it its structural strength.


The final step is to apply a primer and decorative render. This will make the house look brand new or better! Your house’s shape will not change because the insulation adds approximately 9cm to your walls’ thickness.

What grant can I apply for?

If you are eligible for certain benefits or live in a specific area, grants can cover 100% of the costs. You can check if your household is eligible for completing our form online.


Grants and policies are subject to change frequently, so it is essential that you act quickly. We can arrange for simple green energy to visit your property and advise you. You can book the survey online for a free and non-binding service that takes just a few minutes.